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거지 연출하며 영화촬영중인 79세 엔서니 홉킨스

페이지 정보



Unrecognisable: Anthony Hopkins was completely unrecognisable on Tuesday, as he transformed into a homeless man to film his newest project in Stevenage

Going about their business: Anthony also added a faded black hat and  ripped gloves as he filmed a number of scenes on a park bench - barely catching any attention from onlookers

Convincing:&nbspMaking the look even more convincing, Anthony was seen pushing shopping trolley around set later on - which was laden with full bin bags, old blankets and milk cartons

Who's that guy? Taking to the streets of Stevenage in tattered clothing, the 79-year-old (above) was worlds away from his slick self, as he shot scenes for the new adaptation of King Lear

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작성일2017-11-01 12:49

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