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먹어보지 못한 버거들이 주위에도 많아서 한번 찾아가 봐야겠습니다.

Best Bay Area Burgers: The Sweet 16

Whether you’re a San Jose burger fan or a Berkeley devotee, there’s no question that the Bay Area’s burger scene rocks. But which one is the Primo Patty?

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Last Sunday, we asked readers to be judge, jury and eater —and help us choose the best of the buns, bracket-style. We offered up 32 incredibly tasty possibilities, from the gooey goodness of Gott’s to Trueburger, Five Guys (and those fries) and more. Now the votes are in — and the Savory 16 include some surprises!


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작성일2017-11-02 21:17

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