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애완견 Mighty와 프라하에서 자전거 타는 올란도 블룸

페이지 정보



Puppy love: Orlando Bloom proved his bond with his cute pet Mighty was stronger than ever, as he took the lucky dog cycling with him through the streets of Prague on Wednesday

Paws for thought: Tucking Mighty into a sling around his neck, the 40-year-old actor no doubt left bystanders open-mouthed as he rode past in his helmet and tight fitness gear

A sight to behold: The Pirates Of The Caribbean star beamed as he sped past in tight cycling leggings and a long-sleeved top

Just another day in doggy daycare: Mighty looked perfectly content as he poked his head out of the camouflage-print bag

Loving life: Wearing a black helmet over a grey baseball cap, he shielded his eyes behind a futuristic mirrored aviators

Having a whale of a time: He laughed out loud as he sped past with his content pooch

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작성일2017-10-26 09:11

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