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7살 생일 맞은 쌍둥이들과 찍은사진 인스타에 공개한 49세 셀린 디옹

페이지 정보



Growing up so fast! Celine Dion shared this cute photo of her twin boys on Tuesday to mark their 7th birthday

Birthday fun: Eddy and Nelson wore Michael Jackson inspired outfits as they hung out with mom in a music room

Capturing the moment: In the images, taken by Denise Truscello, the proud mom is seen in a white t-shirt and grey jeans with stylish fedora as she hugs her beaming boys

고인이된 남편과 큰아들과 찍은 사진 (2009년)

Family moments: Celine and Rene are pictured at a basketball game in 2009 with eldest son Rene-Charles

2010년 쌍둥이들 태어났을때

After six attempts to conceive via IVF Celine and Rene welcomed their twin boys on 23 October 2010. They are pictured in February 2011

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작성일2017-10-26 09:21

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