* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

런던에서 절친 가이리치와 점심먹으러 가는 데이비드 베컴

페이지 정보



Pals: The pair, who are known to be close friends, were seen happily chatting as they took a stroll around the city hot spot, before later parting ways with a warm hug

Friends for life: David Beckham and Guy Ritchie proved their bromance was stronger than ever on Monday, as they headed out together in Notting Hill

가이리치 영화에도 출연한 데이비드 베컴

Starring role:&nbspDavid made a brief appearance as battle guard Trigger (above), and was fixed with a number of elaborate prosthetics to transform into his character

추천 0

작성일2017-10-10 09:33

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