* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

일본 방문중인 엄마, 아빠 대신해 근엄하게 동생들 챙기는 덴마크 크리스티앙 왕자

페이지 정보



Despite the inclement weather, Prince Christian donned semi-formal attire for the event, wearing a pale blue tailored jacket, a checked shirt and navy trousersThe playful princess pulled faces for the cameras, although perhaps because her  parents were away, the young royal appeared a little more subdued than usual

Princess Josephine (pictured left) looks a little put off by the inclement Danish weather. Her sister Princess Isabella right seems to be taking the day's proceedings in her stride

&nbspA smiling Prince Vincent seemed as if he was having the most fun at the royal event

The playful princess pulled faces for the cameras, although perhaps because her parents were away, the littlest royal appeared a little more subdued than usual

The young prince already has an air of royal stateliness about him, walking through the gardens in a manner befitting of someone much older

&nbspAs stand-in for his royal parents Christian appeared to handle the royal engagement with diplomacy and ease

일본 방문중인 엄마, 아빠

Princess Mary and Prince Frederik (both pictured) attended a Walkathon as part of the Danish Festival in Japan

The event took place in Toyosu Park in Tokyo as part of the Danish Festival to celebrate 150 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Denmark

Already so far on their agenda, the Royals have met with Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako in Tokyo

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작성일2017-10-10 09:35

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