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페이지 정보



Cute:&nbspParis Hilton, 36, showed just how much she spoils her pooches, as she took her little Chihuahua out with her shopping in Los Angeles on Monday evening

Glamorous: The socialite looked incredibly glamorous in a thigh-flashing burgundy skirt, as she took her adorable pet to hit the stores

Hell for leather:&nbspShe donned a pair of knee high boots, and carried a trendy leather jacket, at one point putting it on to pose up a storm

Beach babe:&nbspParis wore her honey blonde tresses in a loose, tousled 'do, and sported glowing make up to make the most of her radiant complexion

Animal lover:&nbspParis is a mother to over 10 animals, where the four legged friends live in their own mini mansion at her Bel Air estate

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작성일2017-10-10 09:36

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