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지발로 아리조나 하루 4만불짜리 리햅 들어가는 하비 웨인스타인

페이지 정보



지 입으로 섹스 중독으로 도움이 필요한 사람이라고 했다네요.

Harvey Weinstein told photographers outside his daughter's Los Angeles home on Wednesday that the's 'not doing OK' and that he was hoping for a 'second chance'

The speech came after he had a separate public outburst in the morningThe outburst had prompted his daughter Lily, who goes by the name Remy, to phone 911 and report him as 'suicidal'

Weinstein is heading to sex addiction rehab in Arizona, following a slew of shocking allegations of rape and sexual assault from at least 30 Hollywood actresses

&nbspHe spoke to photographers outside his daughter's Los Angeles home hours before flying to Arizona on a private jet

It is believed that Weinstein is headed for The Meadows rehab clinic in Wickenburg, Arizona, which has a focused sex addiction program

As he headed toward the vehicle, Weinstein, sporting a baggy T-shirt and jeans, turned around to get a final word inHis last comment to photographers appeared to attack other Hollywood A-listers

Weinstein told photographers that he had always been 'loyal' to them during his time in Tinsel Town

This comes after a DailyMail.com exclusive which revealed the FBI had opened an investigation into the movie mogul

Weinstein has found himself isolated and alone as the sexual assault allegations have piled upIt has led him to complain that he has been abandoned by his Tinsel Town friends

The Meadows, where it is believed Weinstein is headed, costs approximately $40,000 a month to go to

Weinstein gave a small smile and a wave to photographers as he left his daughter's home on Wednesday afternoon

변호사 오피스 간날 파파라치에게 Fuck you to the world 하면서 손가락 날림

Harvey Weinstein gave a resounding f*** you to the world as he was seen out in LA at his lawyer's offices

Weinstein was flanked by a full entourage on his trip to his lawyer&nbspPatty Glaser's offices. The disgraced producer skipped out on his sex rehab trip Tuesday over frustrations he would not be allowed to have his cellphone in treatment

Weinstein became angry over not being allowed his mobile device as he is concerned he will not be able to keep in contact with business associates and his wife, who announced she is leaving him on Wednesday 

A private jet was scheduled to take him to rehab on Tuesday, but as of Wednesday afternoon Weinstein was still in LA 

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작성일2017-10-12 08:40

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