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제인 구달 다큐멘터리 시사회에 참석한 안젤리나 졸리

페이지 정보



Kids, meet Jane Goodall: Angelina Jolie introduces Knox, Vivien, Shiloh and Zahara to the famed primatologist at the premiere of a new documentary at the Hollywood Bowl on Monday

Longterm friends:&nbspThe two met eight years ago when Angelina was cast as the primatologist in the film Jane's Journey, about her life

Icons unite:&nbspSpeaking at the event, Angelina said Jane was an inspiration to her six children

Saving the world:&nbspSpeaking to the sell-out audience at the Hollywood Bowl on Monday, Jane shared the message she has spent her life promoting

Close: Both UN Ambassadors, they bonded and became firm friends the two are pictured with Courteney Monroe, CEO National Geographic Global Networks 

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작성일2017-10-11 08:56

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