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3만5천불에 경매에서 낙찰된 마를린 먼로의 누드 사진

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Candid shots of Marilyn Monroe swimming nude are set to fetch up to $35,000 (&pound26,000) at Heritage Auctions in New York next week 

Bathing beauty: The rare images of the late star form part of an impressive&nbsparray of highly sought-after celebrity shots

The Some Like It Hot star shows off her famous curves in an intimate swimming pool photo shoot 

The star perches at the side of the pool while posing up a storm for the cameras 

One of the rare shots shows the star celebrating her birthday with a cake covered in sparklers 

Twelve candid shots of Marilyn Monroe could sell for up to $35,000

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작성일2017-10-05 09:27

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