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타이거 우즈에게 매달려 다니는 새 여자친구 33세 에리카

페이지 정보



Links: Golfer Tiger Woods and his restaurant's general manager, Erica Herman, were seen linking arms while watching the Presidents Cup at Liberty National Golf Club in Jersey City on Sunday

Taking the rough with the smooth: The couple appeared to be close and very comfortable with one-another, as they shared golf carts and strolled across the rough together

No comment: Woods has not commented on their relationship

Couples' game? US team member Daniel Berger and his girlfriend Victoria Slater are seen with Woods - who is the team's assistant captain - and Herman

Game on: Woods and Herman are seen walking together during Saturday's four-ball matches at the Presidents Club

Lean on me: Herman seemed to be comfortable cosying up to Woods as they were at the game. Woods reportedly split from his last girlfriend, Dallas-based stylist Kristin Smith, in August

Give it some welly: Herman wore sensible footwear during the colder days of play

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작성일2017-10-03 09:15

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