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알라스카 방문한 멜라니아 트럼프와 이반카 남편 제라드

페이지 정보



Feeling cozy: Melania Trump traveled to Alaska on Friday to meet with military families at&nbspnbspJoint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage 

Chic: Melania still opted to wear a pair of heels despite the frosty weather, pairing them with a $2,690 Ralph Lauren coat 

Encouraging: The 47-year-old first lady watched as a little boy read to dog as part of the base's Paws to Read program 

Crafting:&nbspMelania also sat down at a children's size table with a group of kids who showed her how to make instruments using Popsicle sticks and paper

Keeping warm: Melania kept her pricey Ralph Lauren down coat on while inside

Strategic style: Melania wore her plaid, olive green coat open to show off her orange turtleneck sweater and cream skinny jeans as she arrived in anchorage 

멜라니아가 입은 코트는 랄프 로렌 $2690

베이징 동물원가서 개인적으로 만나 판다 구구

Beauty and the beast? Melania Trump met Gu Gu the giant panda at Beijing Zoo on Friday, as seen in these photos posted on her Twitter account on Saturday

Bear behind bars: The panda was unable to reach Melania thanks to these bars. Gu Gu has already mauled three people who climbed into his enclosure in 2006, 2007 and 2009

Panda diplomacy: Melania was delighted to meet the beast. Gu Gu has a habit of biting his victims' legs, and once had to have his jaws prized off with tools

'...and a nice chianti': The bars gave a Silence of the Lambs tone to the meeting, although Gu Gu seemed to enjoy it - possibly because of Melania's bamboo and panda-coordinated outfit

만리장성 가서

Great times: Also on Saturday, Melania posted up more pictures from her Friday travels, which included this reconstructed section of the Great Wall of China at Mutianyu outside Beijing

The wall - which is usually thronging with tourists, even in the autumn - was seemingly shut down so that the First Lady could experience it unbothered by the proles

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작성일2017-11-13 14:43

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