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그레이스 캘리를 그나마 닮은 듯한 그레이스 캘리의 손녀 19세 Camille Gottlieb

페이지 정보



Camille&nbspGottilieb, 19, Grace Kelly's granddaughter flaunts her vintage Hollywood red lips and piercing blue eyes

Camille has 23,000 followers on Instagram and is regularly told how much she looks like her grandmother

Her high cheekbones and structure of her brows make her a dead ringer for the Hollywood star

Camille pouts with a friend on her Instagram. She is Grace Kelly's youngest grandaughter

그레이스 캘리

Grace Kelly was an acting icon of the 1950s and noted for her natural beauty and in 1956, Kelly became Princess of Monaco after marrying Prince Rainier III

Grace Kelly shortly before she met her husband in 1955

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작성일2017-10-05 09:29

결론은미친짓이다님의 댓글


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