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파리에서 파티가는 바바라 팔빈

페이지 정보



Model behaviour: Barbara Palvin proved just what turned their heads as she stepped out during Paris Fashion Week on Tuesday

Turning heads: The 23-year-old Hungarian model put on an eye-catching display in a plunging gold gown

Legs for days: Making the most of her supermodel statistics, she slipped into a thigh-skimming metallic mini-dress, showcasing her endless legsDetail: The golden piece featured a plunging neckline offering a glimpse of her tanned decolletage, and was cinched in at her slender waist

Golden girl: Accessorising with a delicate clutch, the beauty wore her caramel-coloured locks in loose waves, letting her bright blue peepers do the talking

Man magnet: Barbara has a list of rumoured famous flames including Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Bieber, Niall Horan and Ed Sheeran

Hitting back: Despite many rumours, she remained defiant in a 2014 interview about the claims, explaining that she's always had male friends

'I¿ve always been a girl who hangs out with boys and I¿m not going to change that, no matter what people might think. I¿m a tomboy' she explained

'I play football. I¿m a defender. I¿m not going to change.' she has said

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작성일2017-09-27 07:55

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