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나파에 번개로인한 화재 발생. Fast-moving brush fire explodes in Napa County

페이지 정보



바짝 마른 풀들로 화재 위험이 큰데 번개로 인한 불까지 나다니..

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Fast-moving brush fire explodes in Napa County

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- A brush fire that erupted in Napa County this morning has exploded in size. The region was struck by a series of lightning strikes this morning, but officials have not released details on how the blaze started.

An evacuation warning has been issued for Hwy 128 at Lower Chiles Valley Rd to Turtle Rock due to the fire. Firefighters say the blaze started around 6:40 a.m. in Rutherford. Road closures in the area include: Chiles-Pope Valley Road, Sage Canyon Road, Highway 128.

Firefighters worked overnight to tackle the four wildfires that make up the Deer Complex Fire burning near Brentwood.

"We still have homes threatened over the Morgan Territory Road and the Marsh Creek Road area," explains Fire Marshal Steve Aubert of the East Contra Costa County Fire Protection District.

That threat forced mandatory evacuations on Sunday night along Marsh Creek Road between Bragdon Way and Deer Valley Road. And, along Morgan Territory Road south of Marsh Creek in Brentwood.

"It's a scary process. Did you bring enough stuff? Get you get the important stuff? And, of course, the pets and all that," says Deborah Shea, who had to evacuate.

The Deer Complex Fire was started by Sunday morning's lightening. Fire officials say the fire unexpectedly changed directions due to the wind, which prompted the evacuations.

Fire Marshall Aubert says his fire crews were lucky that more lightening on Sunday night didn't spark more fires. Aubert says fire crews have been able to hold the line and that it is unlikely the fire will reach any nearby cities. However, he says containment will depend on the wind and overall weather conditions.

"High humidity, which both helps, but it also hurts because it helps with the moisture content, but also hurts because the fire fighters are working in these types of conditions," says Aubert.

Fire officials hope to launch aerial operations on Monday afternoon.

As of late Monday morning, there are no reports of any injury to any residents and no homes burned. One fire fighter, however, was treated for a heat-related injury.

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작성일2020-08-17 11:41

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