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커버걸 모델된 테슬라 CEO 엘론 머스크의 엄마 Maye(69세)

페이지 정보



Easy, breezy, beautiful! Maye Musk, mother of billionaire Tesla CEO Elon, has been named as the oldest ever CoverGirl at age 69

Celebration! The grandmother-of-ten took to Instagram to thank the brand for 'including me in your tribe of diversity' 

Star: Three behind-the-scenes images from Maye's first photoshoot for the brand show her modeling a stunningly natural beauty look, while her signature silver hair is swept off her face

Red carpet moment: Maye, who began her modeling career in South Africa five decades ago, has three children, including Tesla CEO Elon, who she is pictured with in February

뉴욕 패션위크때 무대에서

Still got it: Maye  walked the runway for three different brands at New York Fashion Week, including  Zero + Maria Cornejo, which was her final show of the season 

Simply stunning: Maye also walked the runway at the Concept Korea showSimply stunning: Maye also walked the runway at the Concept Korea show

Rocking it: The white-haired beauty sported an edgy 'do and colorful eye make-up for the catwalk event

Model mom: Maye, the mother of tech billionaire Elon, has appeared on numerous billboard advertisements and magazine covers

A star is born: Maye has developed something of a following in South Korea since she graced the cover of Vogue Korea

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작성일2017-09-29 11:03

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