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부인(39세)와 쌍둥이들 데리고 Holland 투어가는 70세 로니 우드

페이지 정보



Happy families: Ronnie Wood, 70, fawned over his 15-month-old twins with wife Sally, 39, as they left screaming fans behind in Barcelona with the rest of the Rolling Stones... and headed off to Amsterdam on the next leg of their tour

Loving life! Sally certainly looked very happy to be in Barcelona as she unloaded her twinsLoving life! Sally certainly looked very happy to be in Barcelona as she unloaded her twins

Great spirits:&nbspWest End Theatre producer Sally looked in great spirits ahead of the journey to Amsterdam in dark shades, her brunette locks falling loosely about her face

Unloading: The brunette beauty carried one of the couple's young daughters on her hip, while her twin sister sat in a buggy 

Out you get:&nbspThe high-profile family were surrounded by other members of the band's family, all heading to catch the same plane

Doting dad: Ronnie looked after one of the twins as Sally cared for the other

Daddy duty: Ronnie was seen clutching a bottle of milk for the twins

Domestic bliss: Ronnie and Sall married in 2012 and welcomed their twins in May 2016

Jet setters: Ronnie, Sally and their two kids arrived in Barcelona on Monday ahead of the Rolling Stones' concert in the city on Wednesday night

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작성일2017-09-29 09:46

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