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언제나 처럼 활기차게 백악관으로 출근하는 이반카 부부

페이지 정보



Chic show: Ivanka Trump stepped out of her home on Thursday wearing a form-fitting black shirt with a faux choker detail, and flowing black trousers

Black and gold! The 35-year-old accessorized with a double buckle belt and a matching studded bucket-style bag from her eponymous fashion line

Strutting her stuff: Ivanka finished off her look with a pair of black high heels, also from her own brand, and a pair of dark sunglassesStrutting her stuff: Ivanka finished off her look with a pair of black high heels, also from her own brand, and a pair of dark sunglasses

Blonde bombshell: The first daughter's hair was styled straight, and left to hang loose around her shoulders 

No worries: Jared Kushner, 36, left the home shortly before his wife, less than 24 hours after it was revealed he accidentally registered to vote as a woman 

이반카의 비서

Helping hand! Ivanka's assistant was seen carrying a much larger black tote stuffed with papers to the waiting SUV, along with a Starbucks coffee

Friendly face: The same assistant also passed out bottled water to Ivanka's Secret Service

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작성일2017-09-29 09:47

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