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Bel-Air 식당에 저녁 먹으러 가는 킴 카다시안

페이지 정보



A step in the right (style) direction: Kim Kardashian was seen leaving Bel-Air restaurant in LA on Wednesday evening

Siren look: The 36-year-old Kim wore a white outfit with a bra top and sheer material

Nice kicks for Kim: The Vogue cover girl wore lace up heels in beige

Her dinner date? Kim was seen walking with a toned, tall man with dyed hair

And her security guard: The Calabasas native was also with a bodyguard

어제 공개된 킴과 카니예 아기 임신중인 대리모(27세).  7만5천불 주고 쌍둥이면 5천불 더 주기로 했다네요.

Due in late January! The surrogate Kim Kardashian West and her third husband Kanye West hired back in June to carry their third child was spotted for the first time strolling a playground in California on September 16

'She'll receive a $5K bonus if she has twins': The secret surrogate wore a white T-shirt over her five-month bump, cuffed blue jeans, and black sandals'She'll receive a $5K bonus if she has twins': The secret surrogate wore a white T-shirt over her five-month bump, cuffed blue jeans, and black sandals

'Kim liked her immediately': The stay-at-home San Diego woman was previously paid to be a surrogate in 2014, and it didn't hurt that she's a big fan of Keeping Up with the Kardashians

'She'll also receive a $4,500 monthly &quotdiscomfort" allowance': The registered Democrat and college grad has two sons with her husband of five years, and their marriage is 'solid'

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작성일2017-09-29 11:05

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