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아마존이 길로이에 농지 구입 ... Tech giant Amazon buys big chunks of Gilroy farmla…

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아마존이 길로이의 아웃렛 몰 옆쪽에 66에이커의 농지를 구입했답니다.

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Tech giant Amazon buys big chunks of Gilroy farmland
Amazon data services unit grabs sites near Gilroy outlets

A 66-acre site in Gilroy next to U.S. Highway 101 between Leavesly Road and Gilman Road, showing a section outlined in white that roughly depicts parcels purchased by an Amazon subsidiary in August 2020. Amazon's cloud and data services unit has bought big chunks of farmland in Gilroy in an unexpected deal that suggests the e-commerce behemoth maintains a wide-ranging appetite for places to expand in Silicon Valley.

GILROY — Amazon’s cloud and data services unit has bought big chunks of farmland in Gilroy in an unexpected deal that suggests the e-commerce behemoth maintains a wide-ranging appetite for places to expand in Silicon Valley.

Seattle-based Amazon Data Services has bought several agricultural parcels in Gilroy on the east side of U.S. Highway 101 and just south of the Gilroy Premium Outlets retail center, according to Santa Clara County property records obtained by this news organization.

The deal enabled Amazon Data Services to purchase approximately 66 acres of farmland, documents that were filed on Aug. 14 show.

“Amazon is a data center development juggernaut,” said Bob Staedler, principal executive with Silicon Valley Synergy, a land-use consultancy.

Through leases and property purchases, Amazon units have dramatically expanded their respective footprints in Silicon Valley and other parts of the Bay Area such as the East Bay and San Francisco in recent years.

The deals are aimed at creating hubs for Amazon to innovate and create new products, services, and technologies, as well as to make the company more efficient in terms of distributing merchandise and filling orders.

Amazon has completed transactions for office buildings, warehouses, distribution facilities, and data centers.

In the most recent transaction, Amazon Data Services paid $31.3 million for the Gilroy land. The just-bought properties don’t have an official address but they are adjacent to 8001 Camino Arroyo and are just off Highway 101 between Leavesly Road and Gilman Road.

The deal appears to represent a huge profit for the sellers, local developers John Filice and Eli Reinhard.

The most recently available value of the parcels that Amazon bought was $7.3 million. The purchase price was four times greater than the assessed value.

The empty land could be ripe for development. Even though the parcels are agricultural, they border numerous properties that are well-developed.

Besides being near the Gilroy Premium Outlets, the new Amazon territories are also near business parks, industrial centers, and medical facilities that have existed for some years.

Still, Amazon’s purchase of undeveloped land represents a departure from the tech titan’s shopping habits for real estate in the Bay Area.

The tech titan not to discuss the situation.

“Amazon has a practice against commenting on our future roadmap,” an Amazon spokesperson said.

During 2019, Amazon Web Services posted an operating profit of $9.2 billion and sales of $35 billion. The 2019 operating profits for Amazon Web Services were up 26 percent from 2018, while sales were up 37 percent.

“The need for a cloud environment doesn’t seem to be slowing down,” Staedler said.

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작성일2020-08-18 11:40

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