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뉴욕 지하철에서 25세 아시안 여성에게 오줌싼 놈

페이지 정보



Man Urinates on 25-Year-Old Asian Woman In NYC Subway
This incident comes amid a wave of anti-Asian hate crimes across the nation.

Kathy Chen, a 25-year-old Asian woman told AsianFeed about a disturbing incident in which a white male urinated on her while she was riding the NYC subway Saturday, March 20th.

Chen said, “While I was sitting down on the F train going towards Queens, a white male walked into the train car I was in. He entered from the train car behind and stopped next to me. He started standing really close to me and I began to feel uncomfortable. So I scooted to my right and noticed that his penis was pointed at me and that there was urine on my bag and jacket. We made eye contact but he didn’t say anything. I only said one thing, `Are you serious?!’ As I looked around, none of the bystanders said or did anything. He got off the train at 75th Ave.”

As the man got off the train, Chen was able to quickly snap a photo of the culprit, which can be seen below. She described him as a white male in his 60’s, around 6 feet tall with grey eyebrows. He wore all black and had a black ski mask on. His jacket had an American flag patch on the left chest.

She then recounted the moments after the horrifying incident, “I considered getting off the train and reporting the incident to the police immediately but I was alone and afraid. So I kept riding the train until the last stop. A bystander in front of me took a video and sent it to me. From the bystander’s angle in the video, you can’t tell what the man was doing. He like projected his penis at me.”

Chen has filed a harassment report with the police, but the perpetrator has yet to be caught. This incident comes amid a wave of anti-Asian hate crimes across the nation.
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작성일2021-03-22 08:42

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