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Doctors ‘cautiously hopeful’ early stay-at-home orders are working in …

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It’s been about two weeks since local officials took the lead and issued stay-at-home orders for several Bay Area counties due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Good news – hospital emergency rooms in the region appear to be seeing the early effects, CNN reports.

“The surge we have been anticipating has not yet come,” Dr. Jahan Fahimi, an emergency physician and medical director at the University of California, San Francisco, told CNN. “We’re all kind of together holding our breaths.”

As of Tuesday morning, San Francisco County reported a total of 374 confirmed cases and 6 deaths from coronavirus.

Officials said the decision to enforce the stay-at-home order in the country’s second-most densely populated city was an aggressive action that is having the right effect.

“We have already made a difference in saving lives,” San Francisco Mayor London Breed said during a news conference Monday, though she warned that we are still. in the early stages of the pandemic.

“We’re watching the data very carefully,” added Dr. Grant Colfax, the city’s public health director, cautioning that the numbers could change at any moment.

The stay-at-home order has been extended through May 1 in the Bay Area.
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작성일2020-03-31 17:18

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