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남자친구 부축받으며 저녁먹고 나오는 머라이어 캐리

페이지 정보



Little to imagination: The five-time Grammy Award winner showcased her curves in the barely-there ensemble

Revealing: Mariah's dress performed the most precarious task of the evening, however, as it admirably protected her modesty

The star - who famously once proclaimed 'I don¿t do stairs', showed that she was no expert in negotiating the few steps outside the vegan hotspotThe star - who famously once proclaimed 'I don¿t do stairs', showed that she was no expert in negotiating the few steps outside the vegan hotspot

What a hero! Mariah got a helping hand from her backing dancer Bryan Tanaka as they were spotted at Gracias Madre

Teetering: The Vision of Love singer struggled to keep her balance in towering platform heeled sandals, so Tanaka gave her a very solid arm to count on, as she headed down stairs

Dutiful: She carried her belongings in a black leather tote over one arm, while Bryan kept a tight hold on the other side

Impressive: She received some exceptional support from her very resilient dress

Chain gang: The skin-tight leather mini-dress featured a cut out section which was held together by strands of sequins, which did not appear to buckle under the duty asked of them

Saucy: It also made it clear that she was not wearing any underwear beneath her very raunchy outfit

Hometime: Her honey-tresses were worn with what appeared to be an extra volume hairpiece at the crown, and long waves falling around her shoulders

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작성일2017-09-25 14:30

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