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금수저 잔치가 되버린 돌체엔 가바나의 화보

페이지 정보



이번 화보는 실버스타 스텔론의 딸들

Stunning: Proving they are stars within their own right, Sylvester Stallone's daughters Sistine Rose, 19, and Sophia Rose, 21, have landed themselves a stunning campaign with D&G

Beautiful: The girls showcase their modelling credentials in the designer's new Italian-themed campaign that sees them take to the streets of Bari - an old town located in southern Italy

Chic: Sistine and Sophia are seen making their way through the picturesque streets of the old town, as they learn the art of making Orecchiette pasta while clad in black lacy dresses

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작성일2017-09-27 07:49

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