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음주운전 체포 한인 여성 경찰관 고환 걷어차 중범

페이지 정보



음주운전을 하다 붙잡힌 한인 여성이 경찰관의 고환을 움켜쥐는 등 난동을 부리다 중범 혐의로 체포됐다. 

제인 이(한국명 이상아.25)는 지난 9일 오클라호마 맥킨리 애비뉴 인근에서 시속 75마일로 질주하던 중 경찰에 저지당했다. 당시 목격자는 지역언론과의 인터뷰를 통해 차량을 멈춘 이씨가 창문 밖으로 맥주캔을 던지는 등 난폭한 모습을 보였다고 전했다. 

경찰관은 진술서를 통해 "이씨는 수갑을 채우려 하자 저항하며 경찰관의 고환을 움켜쥐는 등 폭행을 가했다"고 밝혔다. 이어 "다리를 묶인 이후에도 계속해서 경찰관의 얼굴과 흉부를 발로 가격했다"고 기술했다. 이씨는 경찰폭행 및 음주운전 혐의로 체포됐다.

정인아 기자

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OKLAHOMA CITY – A woman was taken into custody after she allegedly assaulted an officer after driving drunk.

On Sept. 9, an officer says he noticed a vehicle driving recklessly and attempted to make a traffic stop.

However, the driver refused to stop and led officers on a short, high-speed pursuit near S.W. 22nd and McKinley Ave.

According to the arrest affidavit, the officer states that the vehicle was going more than 75 miles per hour on S.W. 22nd St. before it crashed near Shartel Ave.

At that point, investigators say the driver, who was identified as 25-year-old Jane Lee, threw a beer can out of the window.

Officers say they were able to get one of Lee’s hands in handcuffs but struggled to gain control of her other arm.

“As I was assisting in putting the handcuffs on [Lee,] [Lee’s] hand moved upwards and grabbed my testicles and began to squeeze them in an aggressive manner,” the report states.

Authorities say Lee continued to resist and was eventually put in leg restraints.

As officers were trying to put the leg restraints on her, the affidavit states that Lee “pulled her knees towards her chest and kicked me in the face and continued to kick me in the chest.”

Lee was arrested on complaints of assault and battery on a police officer and driving under the influence.

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작성일2017-09-12 11:22

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