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남편과 함께 그리스에서 지인들과 휴가중인 42세 에바 롱고리아

페이지 정보



Beach beauty:&nbspEva Longoria looked sensational as she showed off her amazing curves on the beach in Greece on Thursday

Passion:&nbspClearly enjoying some special time away with her husband of just over a year, Jose Baston, the Overboard star was seen enjoying an extremely steamy smooch with her love

All aboard the boat party! Eva was clearly having a hoot as she laughed aboard the vessel

Enamoured: 'Once you realize a wedding isn¿t a marriage, then you can learn to appreciate it more, and it lessens the expectations when you¿ve gone through it'

All love:&nbspAsked what gives her the most joy, she's said: 'My husband. Hearing him breathe makes me happy. It's not like: &quotOh, I love marriage." I love being married to him'

Sexy stuff:&nbspFamed for her career-making role of Gabrielle Solis in Desperate Housewives, in which she was the sexiest character - often seen in sex scenes and dressed in lingerie, it is little wonder the stunner had few qualms about a saucy beach display

So happy: Eva Longoria was seen looking lovely in a pretty summer dress as she enjoyed a relaxing break on the Greek island of Paros on Thursday

Stylish: The Desperate Housewives star, 42, wore a lacy white dress that played up her knockout legs as she enjoyed her low-key evening out

All good: Make-up free Eva was also seen with her husband Jose Baston and some friends as they soaked up the last of the day's sun

Party time: Eva got up from the table to take a call as her beau held her legs affectionately 

She loves the boat life: The star had her hair blown as she went for a boat ride

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작성일2017-09-08 08:20

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