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U.S. Open 경기 보면서 사랑이 넘치는 저스틴 팀벌레이크와 제시카 비엘 부부

페이지 정보



A fine romance: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel were photographed sharing a kiss at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Flushing, Queens on Saturday

Enthused: It was Day 6 of the US Open, and Roger Federer was playing Feliciano Lopez

History:&nbspThe couple had held their wedding in Italy in 2012, kicking off what's a first marriage for both of them, and they've since welcomed a now two-year-old son called Silas

Triumphant:&nbspAt one point, Justin erupted in what appeared to be glee, his mouth wide open as he flung his arms upward and outward, having clenched his hands into fists

Enjoyment: Jessica appeared to be enjoying the match as well, smiling and resting her head against one of her hands as her husband reacted more extravagantly beside her

What happened?: Justin was quite animated indeed

Looking good:&nbspJustin had left a short-sleeved button-down blue top open over a blue and black horizontally striped T-shirt, accessorizing with a grey pageboy cap

Checking out the food: Meanwhile, Jessica was dressed largely in black except for white shoes and - when she and Justin were seen out - a stylish beige coat that fell to her knees

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작성일2017-09-05 08:24

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