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오늘의 베이지역 대기 지도,, AIR QUALITY MAP: Check out air quality where you liv…

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 AIR QUALITY MAP: Check out air quality where you live

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Several wildfires in the West Coast states continue to burn Tuesday, although air quality conditions across the Bay Area are improving.

A Spare the Air Alert has been extended for the Bay Area, soon to mark 30 consecutive days Wednesday of unhealthy air quality.

Curious to find out what the air quality is like where you are? You can type out your address in the search bar located within the map below.

    Green: Good
    Yellow: Moderate
    Orange: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
    Red: Unhealthy
    Purple: Very Unhealthy
    Dark Purple: Hazardous

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작성일2020-09-15 11:45

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