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프랑스 영부인 브리짓 마크롱과(64세)과 멜라니아 트럼프(47세)

페이지 정보



프랑스 방문중

Style sisters! Melania Trump stunned in a belted floral frock on the Champs Elysees while her French counterpart Brigitte Macron opted for a shorter dress with matching jacket

Yesterday, the US First Lady channeled Jackie Kennedy chic in a red Dior skirt suit, while Mrs Macron looked quirky in a white coat that looked like it may be inspired by a nurse's uniform 

Mrs Trump and Mrs&nbspMacron leave the dock after a boat ride on the Seine. The French First lady went for a thigh-skimming, futuristic mini while her US counterpart opted for head-to-toe red

Red alert! Laura Dunn told FEMAIL: 'As President Trump’s first trip to France, I think we were always going to see the First Lady dress to impress - and she certainly has in this instance'

Commenting on their very different looks, Laura added: 'Both women have their own sense of style which is completely different, but I think we’re seeing from both Melania and Macron a conscious choice to tap into the red, white and blue of the French flag'

French President Emmanuel Macron, his wife Brigitte Macron, US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump pose ahead of a dinner at Le Jules Verne Restaurant on the Eiffel Tower in Paris

8천9백불짜리 발렌티노 드레스

Melania looked impeccably polished this morning in an elegant floral dress 

The First Ladies joined their husbands for the&nbspannual Bastille Day military parade on the Champs-Elysees avenue in Paris on Friday before Mr and Mrs Trump's departure

Since their arrival yesterday, the French president's wife, 64, has sported a number of very youthful looks - while Melania went for a more classical ensemble with this floral dress

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작성일2017-07-18 08:49

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