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CA moves into Phase 3 of reopening with hair salons, barbershops, Gov.…

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CA moves into Phase 3 of reopening with hair salons, barbershops, Gov. Newsom announces

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Hair salons and barbershops are now able to reopen their doors in parts of California, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced in a press conference Tuesday.

Counties that have attested to the state that COVID-19 is under control locally can reopen those businesses effective immediately. Forty-seven of California's 58 counties have completed that process so far.

Tuesday's modification to the state's stay-at-home order does not allow for nail salons to reopen. (Newsom revealed earlier this month the first known case of community spread in the state could be tracked back to a nail salon.)

As with other sectors of the economy that have been allowed to reopen, hair salons will have to follow a new set of health and safety guidelines.

Newsom said the state was working on new guidelines for summer camps and childcare facilities, which he planned to share with the public Wednesday.

While the governor didn't hold a press conference on the holiday Monday, the state's public health department did release new guidelines for two sectors to reopen: places of worship and in-store retail.

Last week, Newsom teased guidelines would also be coming soon for professional sports to resume as early as the first week of June. It's not clear exactly when t
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작성일2020-05-26 12:33

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