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낸시펠로시 미용실안에서 머리자르다... Nancy Pelosi gets haircut inside San Francisco s…

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미용실 내부에서 머리 자르지 못하는 상황에 낸시 펠로시가 머리를 잘랐다니 진짜로 큰 뉴스네요.


Nancy Pelosi gets haircut inside San Francisco salon despite COVID orders

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is in the hot seat after she got her hair done inside a San Francisco salon — before the city has allowed salons to resume indoor operations.

The public found out after surveillance video showing Pelosi inside the “E” Salon Monday on Union Street circulated online.

KRON has learned the video shows Pelosi with wet hair inside the salon, not wearing a mask.

Tuesday was the first day salons and barbershops were allowed to reopen for outdoor services. One hairstylist in the city says it was frustrating to hear about Pelosi’s prohibited hair salon visit.

“I think it’s unfair. I think she needs to set a good example… And I do really, really love her as speaker, she just needs to follow the rules like all of us and set a good example. It’s very tough and it’s unfair, and it’s very hurtful to hear this,” the hair stylist told KRON.

The speaker’s office issued this statement on Tuesday:

    “The speaker always wears a mask and complies with local COVID requirements. This business offered for the speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business. The speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment.”
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작성일2020-09-02 12:51

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