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특별경호 받으며 로마에서 남편과 관광중인 이반카 트럼프

페이지 정보



Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have called it quits on President Trump's international tour, visiting the&nbspPantheon after her father's flew to Brussels 

Ivanka and Jared traveled with Trump and his wife Melania for five of nine days of his first international tour

The couple were surrounded by security guards as they made their way through the popular tourist attraction

The historical site would normally have been full of eager tourists taking pictures and looking around, but it was completely cleared for the couple to enjoy a private tour

The couple held hands after they the left the Pantheon following their private tour 

Ivanka and Jared are pictured inside the Pantheon during their private tour of the former temple, which is now a church 

The couple both wore black framed sunglasses as they walked out of the tourist destination

Ivanka and Jared are spending Wednesday night in Rome before heading back to their home in Washington, D.C. the following day 

Ivanka and Jared can be seen making their way into their waiting SUV after completing the VIP tour of the Pantheon

Crowds gathered outside the Pantheon as they waited to see the First Daughter and her husband, who works as Trump's senior adviser 

Police officers are pictured standing in front of tourists that stood outside the Pantheon 

The growing crowds were kept at bay by officers and yellow tape, keeping them away from the area that Ivanka and Jared were visiting

According to video footage posted on social media, the couple was booed as their motorcade departed 

Ivanka date night in Rome

저녁에 남편과 데이트

Ivanka and Jared had dinner at&nbspda Sabatino le Cave di Saint Ignazio in Rome on Tuesday night. After a meal of pizza, pasta, salad and wine, the First Daughter posed with their waiter

Ivanka and Jared had dinner at&nbspda Sabatino le Cave di Saint Ignazio in Rome on Tuesday night. After a meal of pizza, pasta, salad and wine, the First Daughter posed with their waiter

Owner&nbspLuigina Pantalone (far right) proudly told local media how Ivanka told her: 'It's great to be here, I feel at home' 

Jared chatted on his phone and Ivanka glanced at hers as they made their way inside 

Ciao! Ivanka and Jared will leave Rome on Thursday top head back to Washington D.C. 

The First daughter shared the above post to her Instagram saying 'Goodbye Rome. Thank you!' alongside a photo taken earlier in the day Wednesday before departing the beautiful city

교황님 기분 안좋으심

On Wednesday, she joined her father and stepmother at a private audience with Pope Francis

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작성일2017-05-25 08:07

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교황님 기분 안좋으심....

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