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트럼프 "포악한 개", "흉악한 무기" 트윗

페이지 정보



President Trump’s tweets boast of ‘vicious dogs’ and ‘ominous weapons’ protecting White House

시위대에 대해서는 경고의 말을 잊지 않았다. 트럼프 대통령은 "전문적으로 조직된 많은 인원이었지만 아무도 울타리를 뚫는 것 근처도 못갔다. 만약 그랬다면 가장 사나운 개들과 가장 불길한 무기들을 맞이했을 것"이라고 말했다. "그러면 최소한 사람들이 정말 심하게 다쳤을 것"이라는 말이 이어졌다.

President Donald Trump on Saturday claimed that many Secret Service agents were “just waiting for action” and ready to unleash “the most vicious dogs, and the most ominous weapons, I have ever seen" if protesters angered by his response to George Floyd's death had crossed the White House's security fence.

In a series of tweets hours after hundreds of demonstrators had massed outside the White House and scraped with officers in riot gear, Trump belittled them, doubted their allegiance to Floyd's memory, said they were only out “to cause trouble” and were “professionally managed.” He offered no evidence to back his assertions, and the president even seemed to invite supporters to make their presence felt: “Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???”


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작성일2020-05-30 15:44

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