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Yellen must provide info on Hunter Biden's shady foreign business deal…

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Yellen must provide info on Hunter Biden's shady foreign business deals: GOP Rep. Comer


A top House Republican is demanding Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen provide information about the Hunter Biden's suspicious foreign business dealings, while accusing the Biden administration of stonewalling Republicans as they conduct an investigation.

Biden has been under federal investigation for his tax affairs predicated by suspicious foreign transactions since 2018, and President Joe Biden has repeatedly denied discussing Hunter's business ventures with him.

Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., who serves as the ranking member on the House Oversight Committee, wrote a letter to Yellen Wednesday demanding details about shady business dealings conducted by Hunter Biden, his associates, and other Biden family members, which have been flagged and reported by U.S. banks.

Comer previously reached out to Yellen at the end of May, making a similar request for the reports by the banks, of which he says went unanswered.
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작성일2022-07-07 00:08

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