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통곡의 벽 방문한 트럼프 부부와 딸 이반카 부부

페이지 정보



Ivanka Trump&nbspdonned a black long sleeve top featuring a navy sash and a  navy pleated skirt by C&eacutedric Charlier in Israel on Monday

The 35-year-old First Daughter and her husband Jared Kushner, 36, watched the arrival ceremony for President Donald Trump at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv

Ivanka modeled a navy fascinator that covered the top of her blonde hair

The couple is pictured standing alongside National Security Advister H.R. McMaster, White House press secretary Sean Spicer, and White House chief economic adviser Gary Cohn (from left to right) ahead of Trump's arrival 

Ivanka had her hair pulled back in an elegant chignon at the nape of her neck

The couple donned similar sunglasses to shield their eyes from the son upon Trump's arrival 

Ivanka and Jared joined President Trump and First Lady Melania during their visit to the Western Wall on Monday afternoon in Jerusalem 

Ivanka is pictured touching the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest prayer site, in Jerusalem's Old City 

Melania was also photographed touching the wall, and while Ivanka opted for dark colors for the visit, the First Lady modeled an all-white white skirt suit and bright red and white heels 

President Trump and Melania visited the&nbspChurch of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem after his press conference

Ivanka and Jared are pictured standing outside the Church of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem

Jared held his hand on Ivanka's lower back as they stood outside the church together 

추천 1

작성일2017-05-22 08:32

sansu님의 댓글

그 높은 경비 들이며 온통 가족 대동하고 나들이 하는 모양새가 그리 아름답지는 않다. 예산 줄인다며 medicaid, food stamp budget reduction 한다며 야단 법석에 멜라니아와 아들 뉴욕 거주 경호비......예산 낭비가 너무 많다.
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