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UC에 새학년은 SAT,ACT로 입학결정 못한다고... University of California system can no …

페이지 정보



대학갈 아이들의 준비 필수 였던 SAT,ACT 시험이 불가능하다 보니..
대학에서 아이들의 입학 결정을 무엇으로 해야할까요?

참으로 올 2020년에 일어나고, 또 2021년에 일어날 모든 상황들이 선택하거나 결정하기 힘들듯 하네요..


University of California system can no longer use SAT, ACT test results in admissions, judge rules

ALAMEDA COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) – SAT and ACT test results can no longer be used by University of California schools when deciding undergraduate admissions, a judge has ruled.

Alameda County Superior Court Judge Brad Seligman said the “test optional” policy at some UC campuses denies students who do not submit standardized test results a “second look” that those who do not submit the tests are given.

Back in May, the UC system announced it suspended the testing requirement for its applicants through 2024 as it looked to create its own standardized test.

The system allowed for a “test optional” policy at some campuses, which permitted students who wanted to take the SAT and ACT to submit their scores in hopes of boosting their admission chances.

According to the National Center for Fair & Open Testing, an education nonprofit group, more than 60% of colleges and universities in the USA won’t require SAT and ACT test results as part of their admissions process for fall 2021.
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작성일2020-09-02 12:59

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