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NOAA 올여름 미국 50개주 기온 예측지도

페이지 정보



NOAA releases summer weather predictions for all 50 states

In its long-range weather outlook for June, July and August, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts most U.S. states are leaning toward a hotter-than-average summer. NOAA에 의하면, 올해 6,7,8월은 평년 여름보다 더 뜨거운 방향으로 갈 걸로 예측.

The temperature map (below) is lit up in shades of orange and red. The darker the color, the higher the probability of above-normal temperatures. 지도의 빨간 색깔이 진할수록 기온이 평년보다 더 높을 가능성.

The bullseye of the map, where an extra-hot summer is most likely, is centered around the southwest — an area where even “normal” August temperatures are in the 90s. 가장 뜨거울 지역은 남서부. 8월 기온이 보통 90도.

The only area not expected to see a hot summer is the Midwest. The outlook for those states is more of a toss-up, with equal chances of above-normal and below-normal temperatures. 평년보다 뜨거운 여름이 아닐 유일한 지역은 중서부.

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작성일2023-05-23 17:14

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