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런던 갤러리에서 전시회 연 박지성 부인 김민지의 어머니 오명희 화가

페이지 정보



Prince Michael of Kent posed for pictures with Korean artist&nbspOh Myung Hee on Tuesday night

Oh Myung Hee offered the royal a traditional Korean greeting as he arrived at her exhibition

Prince Michael, who is cousin to the Queen, looked comfortable as she mingled with guests on the red carpet

Oh Myung Hee is exhibiting her artwork in&nbspMetamorphosis, a Journey of Transformation

Prince Michael looked fascinated as he was shown around Oh Myung Hee's works of art

The royal looked dapper in a black suit complete with a matching bow tie at the event

The royal&nbspforfeited his place in the succession through marriage to Marie-Christine, who is known as Princess Michael of Kent, as she was a Roman Catholic

The Prince&nbspoccasionally represents the Queen in carrying out royal duties abroad

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작성일2017-10-11 08:53

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