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스모그로 베이지역 공기 '매우 해로움'.. Purple haze: Air quality further deteriorates,…

페이지 정보



지난 주 초부터 연기 구름이 금요일 오늘은 대기 수준이 건강에 매우 해로움 수준이랍니다

최악의 공기수준은 바다로 간 연기와 안개가 섞여 발생이 되었다네요.

매우 건강에 좋지 않음:
West Oakland (239), San Rafael (236), Vallejo (234), Berkeley (231), San Francisco (225), San Pablo (220)

매우 건강에 좋지 않음 바로 직전:
Redwood City (199), 산호세와 콩코드 (192)

101~150 사이의 값은 모든 사람에게 건강에 좋지 않답니다.


Purple haze: Air quality further deteriorates, as smoke-filled smog smothers Bay Area
Official readings show “very unhealthy” air in most of region

The smoky cloud cover that has enveloped the Bay Area — and the entire state of California — since Labor Day sent the air quality indexes soaring into the purple and curtailed visibility Friday morning as it hovered like a thick fog.

“It’s exceptionally dense,” National Weather Service meteorologist Drew Peterson said. “It’s blocking out the sun and allowing an even stronger marine layer and fog to move into the area. Unfortunately, that marine layer is filled with the smoke, and the smoke is mixing with the fog.”

The net result was official and unofficial air readings throughout the region that were shaded purple, or very unhealthy for everyone, and an extension to a Spare the Air alert issued by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District almost two weeks ago.

The alert now runs through Monday, putting the record streak for such days at 28. The streak has doubled the old record of 14, set while the Camp Fire was burning in 2018.

By 9 a.m., East Oakland had the worst air in the region, with the air district measuring the fine particulate matter at 247. Any mark over 200 is considered very unhealthy air for anyone to breathe.

West Oakland (239), San Rafael (236), Vallejo (234), Berkeley (231), San Francisco (225) and San Pablo (220) all fell into the “very unhealthy” category, as well, while Redwood City (199), San Jose and Concord (192) were on the verge of doing so. Any measurement between 101-150 is unhealthy for everyone.

The smoke also caused the cancellation of all horse racing at Golden Gate Fields in Albany.

In a social media post, the air district said conditions were not expected to improve Friday and that the “air quality may degrade as more smoke is expected to mix down to the ground.”
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작성일2020-09-11 12:19

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