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베이지역 공기 좋지 않음... Wildfire smoke continues to choke Bay Area

페이지 정보



화재지역이 넓다보니 베이 전 지역이 공기가 좋지 않네요.
수요일이나 목요일 쯤 바람이 부려나 봅니다.


Wildfire smoke continues to choke Bay Area
SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Smoke from the Bay Area wildfires continues to cause bad air quality across the region.

Here in Novato, people are waking up to a thick haziness in the air – you can see it driving down Highway 101 – it looks smokey.

According to the PurpleAir air quality map, the dark purple circles mean hazardous air quality.

While there are pockets of this across the Bay Area, it’s especially bad in the North Bay.

Even as containment grows for all the Bay Area fires, the air quality is still suffering.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District declared a Spare the Air Alert before the fires even sparked, but kept the alert going for the last couple weeks due to the smoke making that air quality even worse.

If you’re spending time outside, you can feel it in your throat and your eyes begin to burn.

Everyone should be spending more time inside, especially if have any underlying health conditions.

The good news – it doesn’t look like it’s going to be a scorcher today, so for the most past, doors and windows should remain closed.

Stay indoors as much as possible.

The Bay Area should see some relief Wednesday or Thursday, with an offshore wind coming in to hopefully push the smoke out of the area.

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작성일2020-09-01 14:17

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