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NAPA 화재 계속 진행 중... Hennessey Fire: Napa County wildfire threatens hund…

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Hennessey Fire: Napa County wildfire threatens hundreds of homes

The fire started east of St. Helena Monday morning, possibly from a lightning strike.

NAPA COUNTY, Calif. (KGO) -- The Hennessey Fire in Napa County grew 200 acres overnight, from 2,500 acres to 2,700, Cal Fire officials announced Tuesday morning.

"With the somewhat cooler temperatures overnight, they (firefighters) were able to get some containment line in there. Of course, we still have zero containment. We hope by this evening we can have those numbers up," said Will Powers, a spokesperson for Cal Fire.

Powers also announced that the fire has destroyed one building and two outbuildings. He would not elaborate on what burned or where they are located.

RELATED: What you need to know about fires burning in Napa, Contra Costa and Alameda counties

Powers says just because it looked like a slow burn Tuesday morning does not mean the worst is over.

"Usually early in the morning we have that immersion layer. Once it gets later in the afternoon, it lifts. That's when you'll see some smoke being produced and some fire as it heats up," Powers said.

Philip Sunseri and his wife Leslie kept on eye on the fire from their porch on Lower Chiles Valley Road.

"We felt pretty comfortable that we were safe, but we have our bags packed and ready to go," Sunseri said as he watched the smoke rising from a grove across the street from their home.

He says the fire doesn't appear to be moving quickly and there isn't much wind. All the fire preps they have put into place around their property also helped take the edge off.

"We have been fire clearing our properties, creating a fire safe zone within 200 feet of all of our structures. We have put in wells and large water tanks so that we have a way of recharging a fire truck, they do come in here, so we are just executing our plan," he said.

"We're not comfortable that the worst is over but we are assured in that we have a plan that our properties are going to be as well protected as they can be," Sunseri went on to say.

No injuries have been reported.

The fire started east of St. Helena Monday morning, possibly from a lightning strike.

Road closures in the area include Chiles-Pope Valley Road, Sage Canyon Road, and Highway 128.
Several hundred homes are currently threatened. Firefighters are doing all they can to save them.

The Napa County Sheriff's Office issued mandatory evacuation orders for: Highway 128 from Lower Chiles to Monticello, Highway 128 from Chiles Pope Valley Road to Lower Chiles Road, Chiles Pope Valley Road from 128 to Lower Chiles Road and All of Hennessey Ridge Road.

Evacuation warnings are issued for the following areas: Highway 128 at Silverado Trail to Chiles Pope Valley Road, including the Pritchard Hills Area, Highway 128 at Lower Chiles Road to Turtle Rock Road closures in the area (includes Chiles-Pope Valley Road, Sage Canyon Road, Highway 128).

Those seeking shelter options can visit the Napa County's evacuation shelter at the Crosswalk Church.
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작성일2020-08-18 11:23

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