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Make The Most Powerful Home Made VIAGRA With Only 2 Ingredients (For Women & Men)Alternative Health , Healthy Food , Natural Remedies 24/08/2016 • No Comments
Viagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It relaxes muscles found in the walls of blood vessels and increases blood flow to particular areas of the body.


1 medium-sized watermelon
3 lemons
1. Chop the watermelon into small pieces and put the pieces into a juicer to obtain about one liter of watermelon juice. Make sure to use both the pulp and the white stuff inside the shell because it’s very rich in the micro-elements that we need here.

2. Transfer the juice into a pot and and let it boil for few minutes. Add lemon juice. Mix thoroughly and simmer until the contents of the pot are reduced to about a half of the original volume.
3. Let it cool down for about an hour or so. Transfer the potion to a glass bottle and store it in a cool and dry place such as refrigerator.

Dosage: This powerful viagra is best to take it on an empty stomach when you wake up in the morning or before bed (between 2 tablespoons and 1/3 cup would be perfect).

Do not use sugar, salt, spices or any other flavors which might reduce the effectiveness of the two main ingredients.

According to a study published in the journal Urology, citrulline — an amino acid found in high concentrations of watermelon — is found to improve blood flow to the penis without the side effects of Viagra.

It can give Viagra-like effects without the drug’s side effects. This may be good news for men who cannot safely take erectile dysfunction medications if they have heart problems, high or low blood pressure, a history of stroke, eye problems, severe liver disease, and kidney disease, says the Mayo Clinic.
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작성일2016-12-06 06:58

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