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세계의 아침식사

페이지 정보



Breakfast in the Korea

A piece of grain toast topped with sliced avocado and boiled eggs.
Breakfast in Australia

Pancakes served with eggs and bacon.
Breakfast in the USA

A plate of Colombian food, with avocado, eggs and rice.
Bandeja Paisa Calentado for breakfast in Colombia

Pork served in a bun for breakfast in Peru.
Breakfast in Peru

A plate of chilaquiles with a fried egg on top.
Breakfast in Mexico

A dish of beans and rice eaten for breakfast in Nicaragua.
Breakfast in Nicaragua.

A traditional breakfast dish in Costa Rica, with rice, eggs and coffee.
Breakfast in Costa Rica. Photo: Paradise Catchers

Toast, eggs and tomatoes on a green plate for a full English breakfast.
Breakfast in the UK. Photo: Pack The Suitcases

Sausages, meat and eggs served on a white plate.
Breakfast in Ireland.

Albanian cheese and honey arranged on a wooden cafe table.
Breakfast in Albania. Photo: Luga e Argjendte

Kikliko eggy bread at a cafe in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Breakfast in Georgia

A traditional Turkish breakfast spread, with dozens of small dishes served in the middle of the table.
Breakfast in Turkey.

Two people eat dim sum from a large steamer basket.
Breakfast in China.

Traditional breakfast of soybean milk and shaobing in Taipei, Taiwan.
Breakfast in Taiwan.

A bowl of pho soup, with sliced beef and onions.
Breakfast in Vietnam

Close up of a bowl of soup with fried elements and fresh herbs.
Breakfast in Burma

A glass mug of milky tea served with rice and peanuts for breakfast.
Breakfast in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Nasi Lemak, an arrangement of rice, meats and eggs on a banana leaf.
Breakfast in Malaysia

A thin Indian dosa pancake served with chilli and other accompaniments.
Breakfast in South India

Red sweet longganisa sausages served with fried eggs and rice for breakfast in the Philippines.
Longganisa, traditional Filipino breakfast

Small dishes of vegetables and pickles served on a round wooden tray.
Breakfast in Israel

A white table covered with breakfast dishes and glasses of fresh juice in Morocco.
Breakfast in Morocco

Belgian waffles served with cream and berries.
Breakfast in Belgium.

A cornetto pastry and a cup of coffee for breakfast in Italy.
Breakfast in Italy

A table spread with bread rolls, cheeses and cold meats.
Breakfast in Germany

Churros and chocolate arranged on a cafe table in Spain.
Breakfast in Barcelona.

A round dish of fresh burek in Bosnia.
Breakfast in Bosnia


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작성일2024-03-31 18:24

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