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시진핑 주석을 위해 열린 백악관 만찬과 초대된 미국의 인사들

페이지 정보



The Obamas and Xis were joined at the state dinner by a powerhouse line-up of diplomacy, big business and even Hollywood

The world leaders dined on wild mushroom soup, poached Maine lobster, grilled cannon of Colorado lamb and poppyseed bread and butter pudding

The attendees were more likely to be enjoying the fine food and entertainment on offer than talking serious government policy tonight

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama greeted Chinese president Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan as they arrived

Dazzling: First Lady Michelle Obama - who wore a $2,300 dress to meet the Pope this week - diplomatically opted for a black, off-the-shoulder mermaid gown created by Chinese-American designer Vera Wang

Even Presidents need help: Obama had a hand preparing himself to greet guests, with wife Michelle helping to straighten his bow tie

President Barack Obama remarks at how good his wife first lady Michelle Obama looks

The President's decision to give Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan the full-on pomp of a state dinner has frustrated some in the Republican party

Glowing: Priscilla Chan, left, the wife of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, right, showcased her growing pregnancy bump in an elegant red lace dress, along with black sandals, and a black clutch.

Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman and CEO of Facebook and his pregnant wife, Priscilla Chan, were among the first to arrive at the glitzy event

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan

First lady Michelle Obama wore a beautiful black dress while her Chinese counterpart Peng Liyuan, a fashion icon in her homeland, selected an embellished silk gown in a rich aquamarine hue. With three-quarter-length sleeves, it boasted intricate beading.

First lady Michelle Obama wore a beautiful black dress while her Chinese counterpart Peng Liyuan, a fashion icon in her homeland, selected an embellished silk gown in a rich aquamarine hue.

아메리칸 발레 극장   수석무용수 미스티 코플랜드와 변호사 Olubayo Evans

American Ballet Theatre Principal Dancer Misty Copeland wore a floor length dress which was green and silver - but she giggled when asked who the designer was as she did not know - she was accompanied by Olubayo Evans, for the State Dinner reception

American Ballet Theatre Principal Dancer Misty Copeland wore a floor length dress which was black, green and silver

Oracle CEO 래리 엘리슨과 여자친구 니키타 칸

Sleek: Larry Ellison, Executive Chairman and CTO, Oracle, arrives with Nikita Kahn who was dressed in a sleek white floor length gown and carried a blue crocodile skin clutch and had on understated jewelry including a necklace with gold, blue and silver accents 

드림 워크 CEO

DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg

CEO of Comcast NBC/ Universal Corporation

Televison: Brian Roberts, Chairman and CEO of Comcast NBC/ Universal Corporation wore a black suit as he escorts Aileen Roberts, in a black lace dress inside the star-studded event

애플 CEO 팀쿡과 리사 잭슨

Apple CEO Tim Cook and Lisa Jackson

Leaders: A powerhouse line-up of diplomacy, big business and even Hollywood made President Obama's guest list for tonight's state dinner to honor the visit of Chinese president Xi Jinping (Presidents pictured with respective wives Michelle and Peng Liyuan)

President Barack Obama and Chinese president Xi Jinping shared a toast during the State Dinner in the East Room of the White House

Cheers! The two presidents do not necessarily agree when it comes to foreign policy but they appeared to be getting along well

President Obama gave a cheeky grin as he clinked glasses with Xi's wife Peng Liyuan after giving a short toast

Speech: President Obama rose to speak during the dinner in the East Room of the White House earlier this evening

President Xi, who has already visited Seattle on his tour of the US, also gave a few words, thanking Obama for putting on the dinner

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his pregnant wife Priscilla Chan were seen leaving together after the dinner on Friday evening

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his pregnant wife Priscilla Chan were seen leaving together after the dinner on Friday evening

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작성일2015-09-28 13:44

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