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캐나다에서 하웨이 쓰지 않으면 보복할거라고 발표하는 중국대사

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Chinese ambassador threatens ‘repercussions’ on Canada if Huawei 5G banned

In a rare interview with Canadian journalists, Lu also told Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to back off recruiting international support in Canada’s feud with China. He said it would be a bad idea for Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland to use the upcoming World Economic Forum summit in Davos to press that case.

Global News was not allowed entry to the press conference.

Lu said economic relations between the two counties can be repaired and the current impasse could be resolved through negotiations, but he defended the arrests of two Canadians in China and criticized Canada’s arrest of the telecommunications executive, saying Meng Wanzhou didn’t break any Canadian laws.

Canada detained her in Vancouver last Dec. 1, at the request of American authorities who want her to face fraud charges for her dealings with American banks. She is out on bail and faces extradition proceedings.

China detained Michael Kovrig, a Canadian diplomat on leave, and Michael Spavor, an entrepreneur, after Meng’s arrest on vague allegations of “engaging in activities that endanger the national security.” Western analysts believe their arrests are an attempt to pressure Canada to free Meng entirely.

China also sentenced another Canadian, Robert Lloyd Schellenberg, to death on Monday in a sudden retrial of his drug-smuggling case. He was originally sentenced in 2016 to a 15-year term, but the court delivered the new sentence after reconsidering his case.

A former Liberal justice minister accused China of using “hostage diplomacy” against the three.

Irwin Cotler, the founder of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, took China to task for characterizing Canada’s arrest of Meng as “vile, unconscionable and evil.”

“These words define and describe China’s hostage diplomacy ever since – including its detention of Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor and the arbitrarily cruel death sentence of Robert Schellenberg,” Cotler said in an email to The Canadian Press.

“But nothing exposes and unmasks China’s contempt for the rule of law, in China as well as in Canada, and its own ‘vile, unconscionable and evil’ conduct than its cruel and inhumane treatment of Ti-Anna Wang and her infant daughter,” Cotler said.
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작성일2019-01-23 08:14

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