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[펌] 완공전 공사당시 사진들 공개한 세계의 유명한 건축물들

페이지 정보



1983년 디즈니랜드 슬리핑 뷰티 캐슬

Looking very different from the colourful castle it is today, Sleeping Beauty's Castle in Disneyland, California is shown mid-construction. Said to have been modelled after Neuschwanstein in Germany, the magical venue features a real, working drawbridge, though it's only been lowered twice - on opening day in 1955, and again in 1983 to unveil the newly remodelled Fantasyland

Looking very different from the colourful castle it is today, Sleeping Beauty's Castle in Disneyland, California is shown mid-construction. Said to have been modelled after Neuschwanstein in Germany, the magical venue features a real, working drawbridge, though it's only been lowered twice - on opening day in 1955, and again in 1983 to unveil the newly remodelled Fantasyland

완공 41년이 걸린 에펠타워

Completed on March 31, 1889, the Eiffel Tower was the world’s tallest man-made structure for 41 years until the completion of the Chrysler Building in New York in 1930, stretching 1,062 feet

Completed on March 31, 1889, the Eiffel Tower was the world’s tallest man-made structure for 41 years until the completion of the Chrysler Building in New York in 1930, stretching 1,062 feet

It took two years, two months and five days to built the Eiffel Tower

It took two years, two months and five days to built the Eiffel Tower


The cost in 1931 of building Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro was approximately $250,000. Today this would roughly equate to $3.2 million

The cost in 1931 of building Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro was approximately $250,000. Today this would roughly equate to $3.2 million

골든 게이트 브리지

In total it took just over four years to build the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. Construction commenced on January 5, 1933, and the bridge was open to vehicular traffic on May 28, 1937. During the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge, workers built a walkway that connected the towers at both sides of the strait so that they could attach the cables for the bridge

In total it took just over four years to build the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. Construction commenced on January 5, 1933, and the bridge was open to vehicular traffic on May 28, 1937. During the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge, workers built a walkway that connected the towers at both sides of the strait so that they could attach the cables for the bridge

Tragically eleven men died during the construction of the bridge.  On February 17, ten  men lost their lives when a section of scaffold fell through the safety net

Tragically eleven men died during the construction of the bridge. On February 17, ten men lost their lives when a section of scaffold fell through the safety net

시드니 오페라 하우스

The magnificent Sydney Opera House stands proud in the Sydney Harbour, but it didn't come cheap. Construction cost $AUS 102million (&pound60million) ? a great deal more than the original estimated cost of $AUS 7 million (&pound4.1million). Impressively the sails were built using specially made cranes from France that cost $AUS 100,000 (&pound59,000) each

The magnificent Sydney Opera House stands proud in the Sydney Harbour, but it didn't come cheap. Construction cost $AUS 102million (£60million) ? a great deal more than the original estimated cost of $AUS 7 million (£4.1million). Impressively the sails were built using specially made cranes from France that cost $AUS 100,000 (£59,000) each

워싱톤 The Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial in Washington may look impressive, but it sure took a long time to build - taking more than 50 years to open to the public from when construction began 1914

The Lincoln Memorial in Washington may look impressive, but it sure took a long time to build - taking more than 50 years to open to the public from when construction began 1914

World Trade Center 쌍둥이 빌딩

More than 10,000 workers helped construct the Twin Towers, 60 of which were killed on the job. After they were finished in 1970 they attracted global attention. Miraculously in 1974 French tightrope walker,Phillipe Petit strung a rope between the two buildings and bravely walked across

More than 10,000 workers helped construct the Twin Towers, 60 of which were killed on the job. After they were finished in 1970 they attracted global attention. Miraculously in 1974 French tightrope walker,Phillipe Petit strung a rope between the two buildings and bravely walked across

테러후 새로 지어진 World Trade Center

A view of the National September 11 Memorial and an almost-completed One World Trade Center at ground zero in New York. It is now the tallest sky scraper in the Western hemisphere

A view of the National September 11 Memorial and an almost-completed One World Trade Center at ground zero in New York. It is now the tallest sky scraper in the Western hemisphere

워싱톤의 The original Capitol building

The original Capitol building in Washington was completed in 1826 and was made of brick clad in sandstone. The north and south wings and connecting corridors were added in the mid 19th century and the replica of the East Front constructed in the 20th century, all three made of marble. The famous dome is made of 8,909,200 pounds of cast iron

The original Capitol building in Washington was completed in 1826 and was made of brick clad in sandstone. The north and south wings and connecting corridors were added in the mid 19th century and the replica of the East Front constructed in the 20th century, all three made of marble. The famous dome is made of 8,909,200 pounds of cast iron

런던의 The Millennium Bridge

The Millennium Bridge was London’s first new Thames crossing in more than 100 years since Tower Bridge was opened in 1894. Embarrassingly it was closed just two days after its launch in 2000 after concerns about how much it swayed. However that hasn't stopped it becoming a popular addition to the Thames and it has starred in several films including Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince

The Millennium Bridge was London’s first new Thames crossing in more than 100 years since Tower Bridge was opened in 1894. Embarrassingly it was closed just two days after its launch in 2000 after concerns about how much it swayed. However that hasn't stopped it becoming a popular addition to the Thames and it has starred in several films including Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince

뉴욕의 The Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge forms a staple part of many New Yorker's lives carrying roughly 150,000 vehicles and pedestrians every day

The bridge’s construction took 14 years, involved 600 workers and cost a whopping $15 million (which would be worth more than $320 million today). It opened to the public in&nbsp1883

The Brooklyn Bridge forms a staple part of many New Yorker's lives carrying roughly 150,000 vehicles and pedestrians every day

The bridge’s construction took 14 years, involved 600 workers and cost a whopping $15 million (which would be worth more than $320 million today). It opened to the public in 1883

Between October 4, 1927, and October 31, 1941, Gutzon Borglum and 400 workers constructed colossal 60 foot  high carvings of U.S. presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln in Mount Rushmore National Memorial to represent the first 130 years of American history. Pictured is the head of Washington and Jefferson from the top of Lincoln's head

Between October 4, 1927, and October 31, 1941, Gutzon Borglum and 400 workers constructed colossal 60 foot high carvings of U.S. presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln in Mount Rushmore National Memorial to represent the first 130 years of American history. Pictured is the head of Washington and Jefferson from the top of Lincoln's head

락펠러 센터

The Rockefeller Center was built between 1931 and 1939 and took the place of more than 200 smaller buildings in the area and employed 225,000 people during the Depression

The Rockefeller Center was built between 1931 and 1939 and took the place of more than 200 smaller buildings in the area and employed 225,000 people during the Depression

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작성일2015-10-29 08:12

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