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California schools will not reopen this academic year, will use distan…

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SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Governor Gavin Newsom confirmed Wednesday that schools in California will not reopen by the end of the academic year.

The announces comes a day after the state’s superintendent sent a letter to school districts on Tuesday saying due to coronavirus safety concerns, it is likely students will not be able to return to school campuses before the end of the school year.

Tony Thurmond wrote “this in no way suggests school is over for the year, but rather it will continue education through distance learning.”

Gov. Newsom echoed the state’s emphasis on distance learning.

It’s a type of learning most schools have already adapted to – online communicating with teachers and online classes.

“School is not out for the year, in fact, we’re asking everyone to accelerate everyone gets a great education,” Newsom said.

Thurman also said he knows this will be hard for students, teachers and families, but there will be assistance for districts – the state will provide resources, webinars, training, anything needed.

The state believes these steps are necessary as we continue to fight to stop the coronavirus.

Newsom also announced the state has partnered up with Google.

The company is working to provide thousands of points of access to improve wifi/internet and Chromebooks for three months free to help with distance learning for kids across the state.

California education officials say Google’s help on internet and Chromebooks will help about half of the students who don’t have digital access.

California has more than 6 million students across 10,000 schools.
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작성일2020-04-01 16:00

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