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Projected number of California COVID-19 deaths decrease, US increase

페이지 정보



SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — The projected number of deaths in California due to COVID-19 has been lowered in a new model by The University of Washington.

The model displays coronavirus cases and deaths anticipated in the United States, and also breaks down numbers by each state.

Since March 28, when KRON4 last updated the numbers, the data has changed.

At the time, the website projected there would be 6,109 deaths in California alone by Aug. 4.

That number has now decreased to 5,068.

It appears that stay-at-home orders and social distancing practices are working in the state, and that number could continue to lower if people continue to do their part to flatten the curve.

The new number is “likely the result of modeling the effects of continued social distancing. The modeling assumes three of the following four major social distancing measures are practiced: school closures, closing non-essential services, shelter in place, major travel restrictions,” according to Dean Owen, Senior Manager for Marketing & Communications at the University of Washington.

The U.S. as a whole has unfortunately seen an increase in COVID-19 deaths, according to the chart.

By Aug. 4, 81,114 deaths were projected in the United States in our original report a week ago.

The national death toll has now gone up to 95,531.

The website projects that the country will lose the most lives from coronavirus on April 16, its so called “peak day”. A total of 2,644 deaths are projected on that single day alone.

The CDC recommended Friday that Americans wear face coverings when out in public to slow the spread of the deadly virus.

Wearing a face covering does not dismiss social distancing. You should still be at least six feet apart from others while wearing a mask or shield on your face.

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작성일2020-04-05 11:09

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