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타라 오박사를 통해 미국 정가에 이미 알려진 세월호텐트 쓰리썸

페이지 정보



미국 하원 외교위(U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Foreign Affairs)의 북한 인권 관련 입법 자문역을 맡으며, 대북 제재 법안(North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act, Korean Interdiction and Modernization of Sanctions Act) 설계의 핵심 역할을 담당해왔다. 타라 오 박사는 미 공군 출신으로서 미국의 대표적인 싱크 탱크인 미국 국제전략연구소(CSIS)의 방계 연구소였던 퍼시픽포럼(Pacific Forum)의 방문 연구원이다. 퍼시픽포럼은 미국 하와이에 소재한 아시아-태평양 지역의 안보 전략을 연구하는 특화된 연구소이다. 타라 오 박사의 대표적인 저서로서 '북한의 붕괴(The Collapse of North Korea)'가 있다. 그녀는 다수의 한반도 관련 전문 저술을 출판한 대표적인 동아시아 전문가이다.[2]


Tara O, 2020-3-26

A sex scandal involving a woman volunteer and two men, who are fathers to the students who perished on the Sewol Ferry (세월호) are top search items in the Korean portals of late.  Mr. Choi, a volunteer, walked into a Sewol Ferry tent and saw a threesome, upon which he walked out after witnessing the shocking scene.  The woman came out after getting dressed, and told him not to speak about it to anyone and to pretend he has not seen anything, but she later told others, and the news spread. (8:10)  An activist who is familiar with the situation stated, “she said she had [sex] with Mr. A to help him ease his pain and that she [had sex with Mr. B because she] was in love with Mr. B.”  Mr. B’s wife stated it was too difficult for her, and eventually she and her husband (Mr. B) separated. (8:15)

Sewol Ferry tents.  Incense altar tent in the middle and other purpose tents to the side.
What makes this situation so shocking is that the Sewol Ferry tragedy has become sacrosanct, above others in morality and righteousness. (0:33)

As with the “5.18” Gwangju Incident of 1980, saying anything that strays from the current narrative about the Sewol Ferry is swiftly shut down.  For instance, a former member of the Liberty Korea Party and former national assemblyman Cha Myeong-jin was severely criticized by the media, the ruling Democratic Party of Korea (Deobureo Minjoo Party), and the Sewol Ferry group for expressing his frustration that the Sewol Ferry incident has been used for political purposes for years and for criticizing the Sewol Ferry group.  Liberty Korea Party swiftly expelled him from the party as demanded by the Democratic Party of Korea (Deobureo Minjoo Party) for “blunt statements.”  The Sewol Ferry group promptly sued him for $340,000, which is a lot of money for Cha, who confessed that it is “an enormous amount that I’ll never be able to save up, let alone pay.”  He also stated, “Left-wing reporters will never report that Sewol Ferry groups are suing me for  ₩410,000,000 ($347,000). They do not want to give the impression that those who they put on a pedestal are so money-hungry that they are suing Cha Myong-jin, who is unemployed and doesn’t even own a house, for an astronomical sum.”

Additionally, the National Assembly’s impeachment articles included “Sewol Ferry” as a reason for Park Geun-hye’s impeachment (which most lawmakers did not read before voting), blaming her for the lives lost during the Sewol Ferry sinking.  The sensational media reporting of what Park did during the “missing 7 hours” during the ferry sinking, such as rumors that she was getting her hair done, throwing a shamanistic ritual, having sex in a hotel for seven hours or getting a face lift–all turned out to be false.

The Sewol Ferry sank on April 16 (4.16), 2012 while enroute from Incheon to Jeju, South Korea.  Of the 476 people on board, 151 were rescued and 304 people perished, including students from Danwon High School, who were en route to Jeju Island for a school trip.  South Koreans mourned this tragedy.

The South Korean government raised the sunken ferry in March 2017 in a $72 million operation led by a Chinese consortium and compensated the families for this tragedy.  For each perished person, the court ruled in 2018 that the family should receive W200,000,000 ($177,000) from the government.  Additionally, W40,000,000 ($35,000) was to be paid to the parents, and W5,000,000 to 20,000,000 were to go to the siblings and grandparents.  The state later increased the compensation after some families rejected the amounts.

The Sewol Ferry group, led by 4.16 Solidarity, have continuously protested to this day.  When the above incident occurred in 2018, they were demanding the enactment of the “Sewol Ferry Special Act,” which includes “truth finding,” and made a tearful plea to the public in support of their goals.  The National Assembly passed the “Sewol Ferry Special Act,” which included three components:  Truth finding, safety, and compensation.

As they demanded “truth finding” about the Sewol Ferry sinking,  those who knew of the threesome incident told the 4.16 Solidarity and asked them to investigate the situation.  Instead, the 4.16 Solidarity covered it up, and the three people continued to be allowed to be present at the Sewol Ferry tents.

Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon built a wooden structure for the 4.16 Solidarity as a “memorial space” in lieu of the Sewol Ferry tents. Opened on 2019-4-12
For the first five years, the “4.16 Solidarity” has been setting up tents and organizing protests regarding the Sewol Ferry sinking, until Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon (박원순) built a sizeable semi-permanent structure in the Gwanghwamun Plaza, the only group to get this exception.  (6:11) Their activities continue to this day.

The 4.16 Solidarity members include the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU, Minjoo Nochong, 민주노총), Korean Youth Solidarity (Hanguk Cheongnyeon Yeondai or HanCheongYeon, 한국청년연대), Lawyers for Democracy (Minbyun, 민변), National Union of Media Workers (언론노조), and People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (Chamyeo Yeondae, 참여연대), among a long list of organizations.

Many of these organizations have been politically active, often in anti-U.S., anti-state, and pro-North Korea protests and activities.  For instance, the militant labor union KCTU has organized large scale anti-U.S. beef imports and anti-THAAD protests, and often beats up police with no consequences.

HanCheongYeon members held a rally near the U.S. Embassy in Seoul on December 13, 2019, criticizing the U.S. and Ambassador Harris and punching and ripping up his photo.

Minbyun lawyers have tried to return the “Ningpo 12”–the 12 Noth Korean waitresses who worked in a North Korean restaurant in China, who are now settled in South Korea, to North Korea, as demanded by North Korea.

The National Union of Media Workers have used threats, violence, and harassment to oust the board members of KBS and MBC broadcasters, ensuring the installation of pro-Moon Jae-in government executives, and airing pro-Moon and pro-Kim Jong-un programs.

People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, from which came key personnel for not only the Moon Jae-in administration, but also Rho Moo-hyun and Kim Dae-jung administrations, has conducted numerous anti-U.S. protests.  Its website “peplepower21.org” shows various anti-U.S. topics, such as U.S. troop withdrawal, the Yangju Highway incident, the closing of Maehyangri training range, opposing GM purchase of Daewoo Motors, and opposing the U.S. Missile Defense system.

Some of the family members of the Sewol Ferry sinking have also participated in a “Free Lee Seok-ki concert;” Lee Seok-ki is in jail for sedition.

The Sewol Ferry sinking is a tragedy.  It has, however, become a tool for political purposes by various groups with agendas.  These groups and associated politicians have elevated this issue to a sacred level, and preached morality and righteousness.  Yet, the hypocrisy of those organizers and activists that demand such sanctity is exposed yet again. South Korea’s mainstream media, however, are remaining silent on this issue.
추천 0

작성일2020-04-08 13:08

원조다안다님의 댓글

어이 붐붐아
너 타라온지 먼지한테 전화해서 세마리썸 쎅스비됴 인증샫 올리라구 해라 엉?
그리구 우파 늙은이들은 영어하면 몰라서 치를떠니깐
니가 저 긴 영어문장 국산 언어루다 번역좀해서 올려바라

Goodosam님의 댓글

ㅎㅎ 요즈음은 마우스 오른쪽을 영어 문장에대고 크릭하면 "Translate to 한국어" 가 나와요. 활용하시길...

가이님의 댓글

한심하네. 미국의 보수 꼴통 쓴 리포트 하나에 호들갑은.
타라 오라는 사람이 어떤 사람인지는 구글에 검색한번 해보면 쉽게 알 수 있다.

uptown님의 댓글

원조야...암만해도 너는중국..아니면 조선족같아...ㄲㄲㄲ
먼지한테-뭔지한테.. 인증샫-인증샷... 언어루다-언어로다.... 올려바라-올려봐라.....ㅋㅋㅋ

상식님의 댓글

원조, 오늘 장사 잘 했나 보네?
가이야, 그럼 못 써.
세월호 천막안에서 그런 짓을 했을 리가 없다고 부인하고 싶은 거냐. 아니면 했으면 어쩌라고! 하면서 외설적인 강짜를 부리고 싶은거냐? 둘중에 뭐라도 너넨 얼굴 못 들고 다니는 말종들이 되는 거야...
아니 세월호로 그렇게 보상금을 많이 받앗으면 좀 쓰지, 여관비가 아까와서 텐트에서 즉석 불고기가 아니라 즉석 홍삼합 쓰리썸이냐? 차맬로, 징하다, 징혀~
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