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Gov. Newsom announces pro sports, hair salons, churches may reopen in …

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SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Gov. Gavin Newsom laid out early guidance for much of the state to move into further reopening in the coming weeks, including hair salons, church gatherings and even sporting events.

The governor spoke Monday from Mustards Grill on Highway 29 in Napa.

Newsom began by making the case that California has made significant progress on hospitalizations, ICU hospitalizations, testing, contact tracing and distributing protective equipment. With that in mind, he announced that in the coming days and weeks, the state was prepared to allow even larger counties to reopen dine-in restaurants and office buildings as part of Phase 2.

"We estimate roughly 53 of the 58 counties would be eligible to move into this phase," Newsom said. He didn't specify which five counties wouldn't be eligible for further reopening.

Newsom hinted even more reopening would be allowed at the state level shortly.

"If we hold the rate of transmissions... we'll be making announcements statewide, not just with the regional variances, that would allow for retail not just to be pick up, but in-store retail to be loosened up," he said.

The governor added professional sports may be allowed to resume as early as the first week of June. Those sporting events would only be allowed to be held without live audiences.

Hair salons and churches may be allowed to reopen at the state level around the same time, he said.

More specific details on when and how sports, salons and churches may be allowed to resume activities would come "In the next week or so," Newsom said.

Local restrictions may be more strict, depending on county public health leaders.

Over the past week or so, the state has been granting counties permission to reopen dine-in restaurants, offices and more on a county-by-county basis. In order to get permission to do so, counties must prove COVID-19 is under control locally.

Newsom and Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly announced a few adjustments to the conditions counties must meet:

    No more than 20 people hospitalized in the county for the last 14 days

    No more than 25 individuals diagnosed with covid per 100k residents over past 14 days

    Test positivity rate of less than 8%
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작성일2020-05-18 12:50

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